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Staffordshire Alzheimers Charity Work

Hannah Bailey is our Staffordshire rep, and like many of our area leads she set up a local social laning group to help members benefit from each other’s experience, help out on projects, and enjoy their mutual hobby on the lanes. Her efforts culminated in what became the Staffordshire Green Laners group and they do some wonderful charity work! We’ll hand you over to her to explain what her club got up to near Stafford.

Staffordshire green laning charity camping night organised by Hannah Bailey, Gavin Dolman and David Griffiths raises an amazing £626 for Alzheimer’s Research UK

A camping and charity auction night held at Carneys Pools camp site Bishton Lane, Wolseley Bridge, has raised £626 for Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity.

Hannah Bailey of the Staffordshire Green Laning team said: 

“I set Staffordshire Green Laning up in March 2020 during isolation, it was a page where we could share information on green lanes and form a community based around the hobby. We started off as a really small group, but since then and with restrictions being lifted our group grew pretty much over-night, our page has changed so much that now we meet up monthly to go laning with our 4x4’s and had an opportunity to take SGL to the next level and organise events. Our first event was the charity camp and auction which was very successful especially with it being on a bank holiday weekend and the current circumstances of COVID-19

Our aim is to now host more events and with it raise money for charities

Alzheimer’s Research UK holds a big place in my heart as I lost one of the most precious people in my life earlier this year due to this awful disease and Parkinson’s disease, we also lost my uncle to this disease in 2009 so I’d like to think we can try and help make a difference for the sake of my daughter’s generation and thereafter.”

Hannah Bailey handed over a cheque for £626 to Bernie Carranza, Regional Fundraising Officer, who said:

“We’re so grateful to Staffordshire Green Laning and everyone who came along to support this event for Alzheimer’s Research UK. One in two people know someone affected by dementia. Fantastic fundraising efforts like this will help us to make life-changing research breakthroughs that will keep people connected to their families, their worlds and themselves for longer.”

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