Urgent messages

Who we are

The Green Lane Association is a national not-for-profit organisation founded in 1995. Since its inception it has been dedicated to promoting inclusive countryside access for all users through education, physical works, and legal action. Our core belief is that everyone has a right to access the countryside and share multi-user public rights of way without prejudice to ability or method of travel. We are full professional members of the Land Access and Recreation Association (LARA), The Sports and Recreation Alliance, and the National Council for Volunteer Organisations. We support through membership - The Ramblers, The British Horse Society, The Open Spaces Society, The Trail Riders Fellowship, ScotWays, Disabled Motoring UK, and others.

What we do

For members

We provide all the information required for our members enjoy the countryside legally, sustainably, and responsibly. Access to information and advice includes, a bi-annual magazine, regular digital bulletins, local area reps in every county, 40 social media accounts, and full access to TrailWise2 (TW2), currently the most comprehensive database of unsealed roads in Great Britain. We provide our community with a voice when liaising with stakeholders on matters pertaining to the rights of way and unsurfaced unclassified road network up to and including legal action where necessary. We provide volunteering opportunities at local and national level.

For authorities

We work with local authorities, National Parks, the Police, and other stakeholders nationwide in a variety of ways.

· Acting as an advisory body

· Training and education

· Physical project work including acting as a contractor or project manager

· Liaising with landowners and local residents

· Supplying voluntary labour, signage, and educational materials

· Surveying rights of way and reporting problems

· Assisting with funding

· Providing evidence of illegal driving and working with the Police to educate the public

For all

Green lanes are used by the public at large on foot, cycle, horseback, carriage, and mechanically propelled vehicle, and our membership reflects this. Our work benefits all users of the unsurfaced road network, and we seek to consider the needs of everyone, including those affected by disability, without prejudice.

Urgent messages