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Signage initiatives in North Wales

Working with land owners and authorities to erect signage across North Wales has improved the visibility of legal routes, and also ensured that voluntary and legal closures are clearly announced to all vehicular and non-vehicular users alike.

Our Wales Regional Coordinator, along with reps and assistant reps from various counties, have spent a considerable time identifying lanes that would benefit from clearer signage for a variety of reasons and will continue to erect the relevant signs going forward.

This information was also gleaned from land managers who gave us feedback on what messages it would be useful to make users aware of when travelling through a working landscape. Our Wales RARC passed this information, including Welsh translations, onto our editor who kindly took care of the graphic design element and had the signs custom made for purpose where necessary.

Signs erected include: byway and UCR roundels, ‘repaired by motorised users/GLASS’ roundels, ‘provided with help from The Green Lane Association’ roundels, voluntary restraint signs, and ‘close the gate’ signs.

Many land owners welcomed the initiative, including the huge delivery of new dual-language ‘close the gate’ signs that The Green Lane Association designed and funded to help local farmers ensure that any users crossing their land knew that the simple act of closing a gate is vitally important to keeping livestock safe and from mixing with neighbouring flocks/herds.

This initiative also helped to begin new, and/or strengthen existing relationships between vehicular users and land managers across the North Wales area.

Signage projects have been implemented across the UK and also include (amongst others):

  • Salisbury Plain – working with the MOD to signpost an area the size of the Isle of Wight! You can watch our video here: https://youtu.be/zRRm2g_7II0
  • Working with Cheshire Rural Crime Team to signpost lanes identified by our local rep
  • The Green Lane Association and Treadlightly signage put up across South Wales
  • Working with Snowdonia National Park Authority to design dual-language signs for RoWs in the park

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