Wolverns Lane, Surrey
The Forestry Commission have finally spent The Green Lane Association donated funds and their’s to execute the repair works on Wolven’s Lane. It is extensive and addresses about 70% of the issues I have logged. Time will tell if the serious perpetrators are put off or just see it as a challenge, but they’d need to make a real effort to breach the barriers. We shall cross fingers and wait.
There will be a sense of desperation and anger among landowners if more damage does happen, especially as it is very wet down there which will attract a certain type of driver. Members may be asked to assist with any further reports so keep an eye on the emails!
It is gratifying to see the way the lane has been reinforced with two projects that The Green Lane Association have had a big hand in. I am not sure if this will permanently stay the TRO axe, but it is certainly a good try.
Criminals who deliberately damage land off the highway threaten access to the recreational driver who love exploring unsurfaced roads. If you see anything that needs sorting on this, or any lane, do get in touch!
Stuart Boreham, Surrey Rep